Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince Ios Review Much Better Than Switch But Lacking In Two Ways

‘Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince’ iOS Review – Much Better Than Switch, but Lacking in Two Ways


In⁣ the vast‍ realm of portable ⁢gaming,⁣ few titles hold a candle​ to ⁢the coveted ⁢’anywhere,⁤ anytime’ experience ‌offered by iOS devices. ⁣One‌ such title, ‘Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince,’ has taken a leap⁣ from ‌the ‌Nintendo Switch to the iOS platform, where it⁢ has⁣ undergone a surprising transformation. With significantly improved performance and controls tailored to the tactile⁤ touchscreen experience,‍ this ‌monster-collecting ⁤RPG boasts ‌an all-new ⁣avatar. But does this rebirth fully quench⁣ the thirst of fans and newcomers alike,‍ or does it fall ‍short in ​key aspects? Dive⁣ into our review to discover if ‘Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince’ ​has ​finally found its true calling on iOS, and where it stands in the grand scheme of mobile gaming.
A Somewhat Faithful Port

A Somewhat Faithful Port

Nearly two decades ‍after its original release in‍ Japan, we’ve finally⁤ seen the⁤ English‍ launch of Dragon Quest Monsters:⁤ The Dark Prince. ​This new ⁢port has brought the old-school goodness to⁢ a ⁢more modern audience, adapted to the iOS, and Switch platforms. While it has indeed transferred the classic feel to⁤ new devices, we must examine the success of its mobile rendition.

The game ⁤offers fans a remake of a DS ⁢classic with nostalgic character designs and ​an amusing story, ​adopting ​newer accessibility options‍ for‌ fresh players to transition seamlessly into the ​monster-collecting experience. To note the specific additions made, a comparison of features has been⁢ included below, drawing attention to alterations or missing elements on the Switch port in particular.

Added Features for iOS Missing Features on Switch
Improved⁢ 3D visuals
‍ ‌ ⁣ Quick‌ Save option
Quick Load ​(although a convenient⁣ loading‍ feature enabled in iOS was not ​replaced in Switch version)
Adjusted monster ⁢controls ⁤in battle for the phone screen No ⁢added Monster or Gameplay filters in Bestiary

A⁣ Step Above Its Nintendo Switch Counterpart

A Step Above its Nintendo Switch​ Counterpart

In a surprising turn of events, Dragon ‌Quest Monsters: The‍ Dark Prince on iOS outshines its Nintendo Switch counterpart in several aspects. One ​notable area of improvement⁣ is the game’s controls, which have been optimized for touch-based input. The intuitive interface and streamlined menus make it effortless to navigate‍ the game ⁤world, ‌whereas the Switch version can feel clunky and awkward at times.

Furthermore, the iOS version has been enhanced with additional features such as quick-save, allowing for⁤ seamless transitions between gaming ⁣sessions, and an auto-play option for easy monster farming. Here’s a comparison of the notable ‍iOS-exclusive features:

Feature Description
Quick-save Save your progress⁣ at⁣ any time and pick up where you left ⁢off instantly.
Auto-play Automatically repeat ⁤monster battles to farm experience and resources.

These features, although minor, contribute significantly to an ‌improved gaming experience. They are noticeable when compared to the Switch version ‍and demonstrate Square Enix’s commitment to tailoring Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince ​ for the iOS platform.

Engaging Monster Battles And Exploration

Engaging Monster Battles ⁤and Exploration

The ‍combat system in Dragon Quest‍ Monsters: The ⁤Dark Prince has ‌undergone significant improvements compared to ⁤its Switch counterpart. Monster synthesis has‌ been made more accessible, allowing for easier ⁢creation of powerful team combinations. With ⁤over 500 collectible monsters, each having unique abilities and strengths, the game offers immense depth for players to experiment and develop their strategies. Monster battling​ remains a core⁢ aspect of the experience, and the mobile version has streamlined this process ⁤to be more intuitive ⁤and satisfying.

As for exploration, the game features a ⁣vast ⁣world ‍map to discover, filled with hidden temples, secret areas, and mysterious creatures. Players ⁤will have to navigate through diverse landscapes, such as lush ⁣forests, ⁤expansive deserts, and ​ancient ruins, to uncover the ‌secrets of‍ the realm. Exploration is just as thrilling‌ as battling, as you stumble upon rare items, hidden treasures, and unexpected surprises along the way. Some of the ‌notable exploration‍ features include:

* ‌

Exploration Features Description
Minimaps Miniature⁣ representations ⁤of the in-game world to help navigate⁤ and locate ⁣points of interest
Monster Encounters Random events and encounters​ with ‌unique ⁤monsters while exploring ⁢the map
Hidden Treasures Discover‌ rare items and ⁣treasures hidden throughout‍ the‍ map, sometimes requiring puzzle-solving ⁢skills to access

Another layer⁢ of​ strategy comes into play with resource management, as players need to balance monster‌ team durability, scouting resources,‍ and exploration stamina.
Slightly Improved Graphics And Performance

Slightly⁣ Improved Graphics and Performance

While the graphics are not stunning, and the character models ⁣show⁢ some ‌age, the iOS ⁤version of⁤ Dragon ‍Quest Monsters: ⁣The ‌Dark​ Prince runs smoothly with‍ some minor frame rate‍ drops. This results⁢ in more enjoyable gameplay, especially in intense battles. The game’s visuals are quite simple, and although they are not⁣ as refined or polished⁣ as⁣ we see in modern RPGs, they still bring the charm ‍of⁣ the classic Dragon⁤ Quest monsters to life. ‍Speaking of which, the‍ game includes ‌numerous nostalgic monster designs with classic animations.

The iOS port also includes ‌several ​performance⁣ enhancements not found on the Nintendo Switch version. With streamlined load times and slightly improved frame ‍rates in comparison, the ‍overall experience feels more‌ refined and engaging than on the Switch. Here’s a brief comparison of both versions:

Version Load Time Frame Rate
iOS ~2 ​seconds 30-60‌ fps (avg.)
Nintendo Switch ~5 seconds 20-40 fps (avg.)
  • Both platforms exhibit ⁤ minor frame drops during intense battles.
  • However, iOS seems‌ to handle frame drops more⁤ consistently.
  • Players experiencing slight graphic glitches should restart the ⁤game‍ and‍ try adjusting their ⁢device’s graphics ‌settings.

Overhauled Controls ‌For Mobile Devices

Overhauled Controls for Mobile Devices

One significant⁣ area of improvement in the iOS version‍ is the⁢ control system, which has been thoroughly ‍reworked to accommodate the touchscreen interface of mobile devices. Gone are the clumsy, awkward buttons of the Switch version, ‌replaced by ⁣a sleek and⁣ intuitive control scheme ⁣that makes navigating the‍ game’s ⁣various menus ⁣and interacting with the world a ⁤breeze. By tapping, swiping,⁣ and ‌holding gestures, you can easily access character stats, manage your​ monster collection, ⁤and engage⁢ in ​battles ⁢with a high degree of precision​ and accuracy.

The updated controls also allow for greater flexibility‌ in⁤ terms of ​party⁢ management, ⁢where ​you ‍can quickly swap ⁤out monsters⁤ or adjust their formations using ⁤the ⁤ drag-and-drop feature. Additionally, the ​auto-battle⁢ feature has been⁣ enhanced, allowing you to specify which skills and⁤ moves to use in various situations, making it easier to execute complex strategies. For a more detailed overview, see the‌ below table:

Control Scheme Switch Version iOS⁢ Version
Button Layout Cluttered, awkward layout Streamlined, intuitive layout
Menu Navigation Tedious, frustrating experience Quick‌ and easy to access menus
Combat ⁤Controls Stiff,⁤ unresponsive controls Responsive, precise gesture controls

⁣A list of​ additional new features ⁣in the iOS version’s controls include:

  • Pinch-to-zoom ⁤functionality for detailed character and⁤ monster ‌stats
  • Swipe gestures for navigating the world ‌map
  • Context-sensitive buttons for streamlined navigation

Improvements In Character‌ Customization Options

Improvements in Character Customization Options

With the iOS version, players are treated to more character customization options. Upon creating ⁢their character, they‍ can choose not‌ only their name, but also‍ their appearance and abilities. Here are some of the key features:

* Face ⁤Types: A variety of face types are available, ‌each with its⁤ unique‌ set of characteristics. Players can choose from multiple⁢ options, ‍including eyes, eyebrows, and facial hair, to create a truly unique⁣ character.
* Hairstyles and Colors: In addition to face​ types, players can also customize their character’s hairstyle⁢ and ⁤color.
* Clothing⁣ and Accessories: Clothing options ⁣are also ​extensive, with⁤ multiple categories to choose ​from,‍ including tops, bottoms, shoes, and accessories.

Customization Element Ios Switch
Face Types 14 options 7 options
Hairstyles 25 options 18 options
Hairstyle ‍Colors 12 options 8 options

A​ Noteworthy Absence⁣ Of Controller Support

A Noteworthy Absence of Controller Support

When comparing the iOS version to​ its⁤ Switch‌ counterpart, one ​of the‌ notable differences is‌ the‍ mobile version’s inability to support a ⁣controller. While gamepads have become the ⁤norm for‌ many devices, their exclusion⁢ in a game that could potentially benefit from their use‍ is⁣ hard to ignore. The touchscreen‌ controls, while well-implemented, can become⁢ cumbersome during intense battles or when trying to⁢ navigate through⁤ the menu quickly.

This may not be an issue for everyone, but for those who enjoy playing⁤ their mobile games with a bit ⁢more‍ precision or have dexterity concerns, the absence of controller support can be ⁢limiting. The experience would have⁤ been​ vastly⁣ improved by providing⁣ players with options for external ​controls. Key Controller Support Features⁤ Lacking:

  • Lack ​of support for ⁢popular mobile⁢ controllers
  • No option‌ for⁤ customizing⁤ button layouts
  • No indication⁢ if controller integration will be included‍ in future⁢ updates
Feature Status
Touchscreen‍ Controls Available
External Controller Support Unavailable

The⁣ exclusion of this feature doesn’t⁤ take away from the overall enjoyment of the game, but does detract slightly from the player’s potential experience,⁣ something that would elevate Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince into a ‌more well-rounded ⁣game on ⁤the iOS platform.

Limited ‌Multiplayer Options ⁤Disappoint

Limited Multiplayer Options Disappoint

In‌ an⁢ era ​where online⁢ multiplayer ​has ⁢become an essential component ‌of‌ modern gaming, the lack thereof ⁢is a significant drawback. While _Dragon ‍Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince_ on iOS‌ does ⁢offer a multiplayer mode, its limitations are glaring. Players can only engage in asynchronous battles with friends ​or other players, with no​ option for real-time co-op or PvP ⁣combat.​ This‌ dilutes the multiplayer experience, ‍making it feel more like a casual, add-on feature⁣ rather‍ than a fully-fledged​ mode.

Multiplayer Mode Limitations Description
Asynchronous Battles Engage ⁤in turn-based battles with friends or other players, but not in real-time.
No Real-Time Co-op No option for co-op battles with friends ⁢in real-time.
No Real-Time PvP Combat No​ option for PvP battles⁢ with ​other ‍players in real-time.

The lack⁣ of variety in multiplayer options is further exacerbated by the _Dragon Quest_ series’ reputation⁣ for delivering ‍immersive, co-op experiences. Despite ​this, _Dragon⁤ Quest‌ Monsters: The Dark ⁢Prince_⁢ still manages to⁢ entertain and engage, particularly through its extensive single-player campaign. Nonetheless, the omission of more ‌comprehensive multiplayer features will undoubtedly ‌leave fans​ feeling somewhat disappointed and unfulfilled.

Closing Remarks

As the curtains‌ close on our review of ‘Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince’, the verdict is clear – this iOS⁢ iteration‌ has clawed its way‌ to the top, surpassing its Switch counterpart in many ‍ways. ‌While it ⁢may stumble in the realms of ‍storytelling and innovative‌ features, its well-crafted⁤ gameplay and nostalgic charm ensure a delightful experience for fans ⁢of ⁤the series. ‍Though the ‌’Dark Prince’ ⁣may⁣ not be the most majestic creature in ‍the ⁢Dragon Quest menagerie, its ‍iOS outing is a mighty roar of improvement, leaving us hopeful for what the future may hold for this enchanting series.

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